If you've got drives in My Computer that you never access, such equally a USB Wink drive that you are using solely for ReadyBoost, a floppy drive, or a network drive only used for a item piece of software, then you might want to simply hide the drive from your computer.

This tip will only hibernate the bulldoze from existence displayed, applications and the command prompt will still have access to it, and you tin even so manually browse to the folder if you type in the path.

At present what's that floppy drive doing there?

Configure the Subconscious Drives

Open up regedit.exe by using the offset menu search box, and and then scan downwardly to the following key.


If the Explorer key does not be, you can right-click on Policies, select New Key and name it Explorer.

The NoDrives key most likely does not exist by default, so you'll need to create it with right-click \ new 32-fleck DWORD and name it NoDrives.

This value is a 32 bit number, and the bits are arranged in reverse order with a value of 1 hiding that drive. For example, if we wanted to hide drives A: and F: we would arrange it like this:

Converting 100001 to decimal we end up with a decimal value of 33 or a hex value of 0x21, so if you double-click on the key in the registry editor, cull Decimal so enter 33 into the value field.

In order to see these changes, you'll demand to restart explorer.exe, which you lot can practise hands from Task Manager or the longer way by just logging off and back on.

Uninstall Tweak

To disable this tweak, just remove the NoDrives registry central entirely.

Reference Info

Here's a listing of the values yous'll desire to enter for a few different drive letters.

If you desire to hide multiple drives, you'll need to apply the tabular array of all the drive letters to figure out the correct binary code, and then convert that to decimal or hex. (hint: you can use the reckoner in scientific mode)

Expect, at present that worthless floppy drive is gone!

Naturally information technology would exist better to disable the floppy bulldoze in your BIOS, but this tip is still valid for other types of drives.

Notation that this also works on Windows XP.